Petition to ban BackyardBreaks from WhatNot

To those of you who aren't familiar: these guys during a stream made comments that should not be acceptable in this hobby. These guys have a history of being scummy and this is the icing on the cake. Sign the petition and get them removed from WhatNot.

The types of comments they made ARE not acceptable ANYWHERE, period.

They should just get straight up canceled, since that's a thing. Forget just getting them removed from WhatNot, they deserve much worse.

- Father of a daughter
The best course of action would be to form a petition that all who sign would stop supporting any decision making parties until they are removed from the platform. A drop in revenue from others on those platforms would increase the support receive and put actual pressure to have them removed. It's similar to when there is an issue with something it's the advertisers that pull out because they are receiving the backlash and boycotts of being associated with a particular brand.

A boycot of people saying they would not participate on ANY breaks on whatnot or purchases on fanatics would get these guys off the platform for good in less than a week if there was any traction whatsoever.
The best course of action would be to form a petition that all who sign would stop supporting any decision making parties until they are removed from the platform. A drop in revenue from others on those platforms would increase the support receive and put actual pressure to have them removed. It's similar to when there is an issue with something it's the advertisers that pull out because they are receiving the backlash and boycotts of being associated with a particular brand.

A boycot of people saying they would not participate on ANY breaks on whatnot or purchases on fanatics would get these guys off the platform for good in less than a week if there was any traction whatsoever.

I agree. Aside from revenue, about the only other real influence we could apply would be to petition the card companies. I suspect they are trying very hard to stay away from this debacle.
I've only stumbled across them in passing, mostly due to not honouring the one giveaway they had, but any time I see them I think "punchable faces", and move on.
im not the target audience (hockey/football exclusive collector), so I don't watch at all. From the small amount ive seen I respect their style for the most part its crazy/fun/over the top etc.... not a fan of their ethics and from what i understand they have been involved in multiple shady dealings

they even screwed a guy out of a 1/1 RC that was a gift

I forgot whom it was (maybe a popular NFL guy?). If I remember correct a customer won a box in a contest as a gift. They pulled the high dollar 1/1 RC and didnt give it to the customer saying something along the lines of "we gifted the box to you but we're going to keep the card anyway since the rest are gifts"

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