23-24 Skybox???


Registered Trader ,
Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
Bath, NY
Looking for an update.

My LCS owner called me today and asked me about it.
“Why is it so expensive?” were his exact words. I had to explain it off as one of those higher end products that was a niche. He also asked if people were going to buy it? I guess? was my reply.

I looked back and saw the preview that was posted on HI. The product was supposed to be released in the fall of ‘24 but never materialized. My LCS was looking at D&A and it wasn’t listed and they had no information on the product. I veered him to Cardboard Connection but later discovered the lack of information. If he is seeing a price, this must mean the product is coming out. Decent looking stuff, but not sure why such a late release…on card auto’s coming back late?Production issues?

I did send him the link that was in the preview…from gts distribution. Like I said, good looking stuff.
If you’re talking about the Skybox E-X 2000 stuff, there are 24 packs per box. From what I heard, the base cards are expected to be thick and premium. The product is supposed to go out later this month.

I don’t plan to get a box, but I might get a pack out of curiosity when stopping in a brick and mortar shop.
Looks like release date is February 26th


Thanks. I was sort of surprised that the usual locations that have information didn’t. I also haven’t heard any buzz anywhere on this product.

Depending on the price, might grab some to see, but I am also trying to spend less and save up for a case of 24-25 SPGU. (10 box cases were more manageable, 18 box cases are a bit more difficult for one person.)
Way back in the 90's EX was one of my favorite products and I put sets together for baseball, football, and basketball. The cards were amazing back in the day. Autographics was one of the first autographed cards and all on card autos so that was way before stickers came into the hobby. Beautiful too!

As for EX 2000 being released I am looking forward to the release but $200 is a little overpriced in my book especially when the autos are 1:3 boxes per what I have been told. I wish it was one every box.

How many boxes will I buy? All depends on my results. Some UD products are better than others, some are just a money grab and not worth it!

Good luck to all who buy, I hope EX 2000 will be one of the better products UD puts out!

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