The White Envelope thread!

it is a little sad that if one is over charging on shipping to cover ebay/paypal fees that you don't at least make your buyer happy. Buy some bubble envelopes and over charge a little more if you must...or learn to send correctly in a PWE at worse(disclose it in description and charge no more than 1.00...dream on right)
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I feel for you. I recently had a seller ship a Roy OPC RC in one of those flimsy Ultra Pro top loaders with no extra protection. Even though it was in a bubble mailer it got folded and creased the card badly. I wouldn't even ship a base card in of those, let alone a card I paid $60 for.
I'd give him a negative or neutral for sure. That's just stupid, if you're going to ship a sports card, have some common sense. A while back, I got charged $6 shipping (before the new price hikes with USPS), and got the card in a PWE, inside a toploader with no freaking soft sleeve. The card was safe, but I left a neutral without hesitation.
I sell some cards in PWEs on ebay. Nothing super valuable, just stuff like Score inserts I can't move if I charge $3 for shipping. I still ship then in a toploaders that is sandwiched by two pieces of cardboard and I make sure to mention it in the description. I've yet to have an issue with a buyer but that sucks when they shipped without care. I've had one or two like that but thankfully they arrived safe.
I have only had a PWE 1 time.
I was charged $3.25 for shipping for a .59Cent stamp within canada (shipped 4 days after I paid when he said I ships next day.).
Was for a Mike Bossy Topps RC for the set I am doing. Seller tried to justify it by saying that it costs money to run a business (sent his business card as well).
Card arrived ok, but because he was d-bag when I questioned him on it, gave him lowest rating on everything.

Since this I have requested my items be shipping in bubble envelopes, and that I would pay extra for it when I buy from ebay. Most people tell me that is how they always ship.

Did you contact the seller about it? Sure it isnt a lot of money, but maybe he can help ya out in some way.
Another PWE courtesy of.......

ebay seller: stevegohabsgo

Card arrived in a toploader tucked into a plain white envelope. Card wasn't damaged, but the envelope looked like it took a little bit of a beating.

I have tried to communicate with the seller, but have received no response whatsoever. Shame.

I was lucky on this one, but it's still frustrating to see a seller charge a certain amount for shipping and then cheap out when it actually comes to sending the card.
I never had problem with any of those PWE-shipment which I has received so this far.
But I do agree that to sending cards in PWE's is ONLY ok when it's about bases, cheaply inserts/parallels etc (thin cards)'s absolutely not okay to sending memorabilia cards in PWE's without any decoy cards (or any other protection)...

I'm lucky enough that I never get any damaged card so this far....despite that I lives in sweden, but I recently seen a rapidly increasing rate of ebayers who ships in PWE's but still charges highly in their shipment rates....

But it's pretty understandable because of those bloody stupid shipping fees at ebay plus of course all other fees also!
johnt1486 Sent in PWE

Just got a 03-04 SPA Joffrey Lupul FWA mailed to me that arrived in a PWE with $1.00 postage. Card arrived in great condition, and was packaged in a penny sleeve, and taped shut top loader. It was wrapped in a thick stocked paper almost like a thin cardboard, but it really burns my arse when they charge $2.99, and use a $1 stamp in a PWE. What worries me more is I bought another bunch of 80's OPC rookies from this seller on Thursday, and I'm worried they are gonna pull the same crap with my 8 rookie cards. :curse:

I suppose I can't complain to much, as the card arrived safely, but charging bubble mailer shipping charges, for a PWE is just wrong. I will wait, and see how these other cards arrive this week before I leave any feedback.

Seller is from Port Colborne, Ontario: johnt1486

I would ask the seller if shipping in a PWE is common practice for his card shippings. Sometimes they give the excuse of "oh, I didn't have a bubble mailer" or "I had my girlfriend mail it off". Regardless, I would ask why the $3 charge on a $1 (or slightly over) cost for shipping.

And I would confirm how the other cards have been shipped. If they too have been PWE'd, I'd leave a comment on his feedback and make note for future.

If the cards arrive unscathed, there's pretty much nothing you can do but make people aware.

Just my thoughts.
This idiot sent 8 top loaded 80's OPC Rookies in one PWE, and charged me $3.99. What pisses me off even more is the Ron Francis rookie has a crease at the bottom center, and tape mark on back where someone had taped it to a book, or something. The Niewendyk Rookie has a bottom left corner ding, as does the Steve Larmer rookie. The Bob Froese rookie, which is not a big deal, has a chip out of it on the top middle of the card. The rest were okay, but had to toss all 8 top loaders away, as they were ruined with packing tape. A couple didn't even have them in penny sleeves. So, in two transactions with this seller within a week, or so, he pretty made $2 profit on both shipments, not to mention damaged cards that were not disclosed in the auction listing. Avoid this clueless POS at all costs.
ebay ID 2015letwi Ryan Letwin

Charges $7.99 USD for a plain white envelope with cardboard or protection for his cards. Asked why and for a refund on the difference for not using a trackable shipping, which I don't mind paying for if it was $7.99, but just says "go ahead and open a case and remember your buyer obligations".
I received one today for a cheap card off eBay which arrived in a PWE. Card ok so gave him a +ve... just mentioned the shipping so others would see it. $3 shipping which is reasonable.

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